Get to know Namibia

Namibian Guide

Life in Namibia

Since her independence in 1990, Namibia has gradually become a major African tourist destination. Travelers come from all walks of life to enjoy the desert vistas of the Namib Desert, the geology of places like the Fish River Canyon and some of the unsurpassed game viewing in the world. Here are some basic facts about the country:

Conservation in Namibia

A healthy state of biodiversity remains a valuable comparative advantage for Namibia, providing immeasurable socio-economic benefits to her people. Conservation of the Namibian ecosystem has become a norm, and a sense of pride to most Namibians. The country was the first African country to incorporate protection of the environment into its constitution, with the government providing people which are living in communal areas an opportunity to manage their natural resources through the creation of communal conservancies. Together with the government, nonprofit organizations, and other entities, these conservancies have thus successfully restored populations of cheetah, black rhino, lions, and other native wildlife in one of the world’s naturally richest arid countries.

Namibia’s ecotourism initiatives have seen the restoration generate sustainable income for various communities. With wildlife sanctuaries working closely together with sanctuary staff, respective communities, and volunteers from across the globe to better the lives of faunae by creating more safe havens for big cats, baboons, giraffes and more, has been a successful venture. The springbok, gemsbok, zebra and black-faced impala populations have all seen significant multifold growth thanks to these joint organisational efforts. Namibia’s plankton-rich coastal waters also support an amazing array of marine life, including an increasing number of the once near extinct southern right whales.

Namibia also pays homage to a unique population of elephants and lions that have adapted to the hyper arid climate conditions. The ‘desert-adapted’ elephants can go for days without drinking water by merely surviving on moisture acquired from the desert vegetation that they consume.

Organizations such as the Desert Lion Conservation focuses its resources in collecting vital base-line ecological data on lion populations and studying their behaviour, biology and adaptation to the harsh Namib Desert environment. This information is crucial in the collaboration with other conservation bodies, farmers and government in an attempt to continuously find workable solutions to the human-wildlife conflict. The ecotourism value of these ‘desert-adapted’ elephants, lions, the Angolan giraffes, and the black rhino therefore wholly contribute to the conservation of the respective species.

A symbiotic relationship between all environment and tourism stakeholders plays a crucial role in ensuring that Namibia’s conservation efforts continue to be successful. Please read more regarding the government’s function by clicking the icon above.

Namibia's Diversity

Of special interest is that Namibia is an incredibly diverse country, it is home to two deserts, the Namib Desert to the West and the Kalahari Desert to the East. As one travels towards the North and the East the desert landscapes give way to tropical vegetation and the large Kavango, Kwando and Zambezi rivers. The huge selection of rock paintings and engravings are also found throughout the country.

Namibia's Treasures

Namibia is well known for minerals and gems such as the mining and exporting of Diamonds, Uranium, Gold and many other precious and semi-precious metals and minerals which also play a leading role in the country's economy. The country boasts having 365 days of sunshine a year, this may not be entirely true, but days where the sun does not shine are very rare and throughout the winter months clouds are pretty much unheard of.